Here is What You Should Know After Having a Breast Reduction

A reduction mammoplasty, or breast reduction, is a procedure that men and women undergo to change their appearance, alleviate pain, or address other medical issues. If you are considering breast reduction surgery, your plastic surgeon will evaluate your medical history, conduct a thorough examination, and consult with you to prepare for the procedure.

You should know what to expect after breast reduction surgery to allow for optimal recovery, manage your pain, and restore your appearance. Knowing what to expect after breast reduction will prepare you for the critical recovery phase. Keep reading to learn more.

What is Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction is a surgical procedure under general anesthesia that involves the removal of fat, glandular tissue, and skin from the breasts. This procedure typically uses incisions or liposuction to extract these excess tissues.

The process is not too complicated. First, the surgical team makes an incision around the areola and down each breast. Then, the surgeon will reduce the breast’s size by removing the skin, fat, and tissue. The last stage of the procedure involves reshaping the breast and repositioning the areola and nipple.

How Will Your Breasts Look and Feel After the Procedure?

A breast reduction service can result in significant changes. You may immediately notice the alleviation of pain in your back, neck, and shoulders. The changes in the shape and size of your breasts will also be quite apparent.

In some cases, the procedure will include the repositioning of your nipples and areolas. If your breasts were very large, the surgeon might have removed the nipple and areola and reattached them higher up on your breast as a skin graft.

The size of your areolas may be smaller, and you may have incision scars, which will fade over time.

The recovery process differs in length and soreness for each person. Factors such as your natural healing rate affect the recovery time, pain levels, and your ability to move without discomfort. Generally, you can expect the final results to manifest within six to twelve months.

What to Expect Right After Breast Reduction Surgery

Immediately after the procedure, you will need to wear a surgical bra or elastic bandage over the dressings. For several days, your doctors will use sutures and drainage tubes for the safe removal of excess fluid or blood.

Your doctor will provide you with post-operation instructions that you should follow to care for your incision and promote the healing process. Your healthcare provider will also prescribe antibiotics to reduce your risk of infection.

You can expect to experience discomfort, pain, and a burning sensation right after the surgery. You will also not be able to lift your arms without a feeling a shooting pain under your arms and around your chest. For the first three weeks, you may also feel tired while your body repairs itself.

These symptoms are normal, and they will subside as you heal. Your doctor will prescribe pain medication to keep you comfortable during the initial healing phase.

Unless there is a complication, you should be able to go home on the same day as the surgery. Be sure to ask a friend, family member, or partner to stay with you for the first 24 hours after surgery. Remember that you likely will need help with things like getting dressed, which is something that some people overlook when learning what to expect after a breast reduction surgery.

A week after you stop taking prescription pain medication, you may be able to drive and return to a desk job. You cannot exercise for, at least, six weeks after surgery. If your incisions are still in the healing process, you will have to wait four weeks or longer before you can start exercising again.

breast reduction

What to Expect 3 Weeks After Breast Reduction Surgery

Three weeks after surgery, your breasts may still be tender, and there may still be visible bruises and swelling. As the incisions heal, you may start experiencing itchiness and dryness around the surgical area.

By this time, you may no longer experience the initial severe discomfort and pain. However, there may still be sporadic pain, for example, if you engaged in strenuous activity or during menstruation.

Lifestyle Changes After Surgery

The lifestyle changes you can expect from breast reduction depend on the reasons you underwent surgery. The most common changes include a boost in self-confidence, the need for smaller clothing, and a reduction in back, shoulder, and neck pain.

You will likely experience some swelling, soreness, and tingling for several months after surgery. Because of the swelling, your breasts may still appear larger than you expected. Your breasts may also not heal at the same rate, so there may be a degree of asymmetry during the first six months.

If the surgery does not yield the visual results you expected, give it some time. The recovery process can last as long as six months, with some changes occurring within twelve months after surgery. As you look up what to expect after breast reduction surgery, be sure that your schedule allows for this extended recovery process.

Once you fully recover, you can resume your life as usual. There will be no long-term changes to your activities due to the procedure.

Do’s and Don’ts for the First Six Weeks

  • · Don’t do any exercise or engage in strenuous activities. You should also not bend at the waist or lift objects weighing more than five pounds
  • · Don’t smoke for two weeks after the surgery to mitigate your risk of infection. You should also avoid second-hand smoke. If possible, quit smoking altogether
  • · Don’t drive for one week after you stop taking narcotic medication
  • · Don’t expose the incision lines to sunlight for at least six months
  • You can return to work after one to three weeks after surgery, provided that your work is not strenuous. During this time, you need to monitor signs of infection.


As your research what to expect after breast reduction surgery, make sure you review side effects. Infection can occur, and you will want to address it before it causes significant harm.

Signs of infection include the following:

  • · Redness at the incision line that spreads to the adjacent skin
  • · Drainage that is larger than the size of a dime from the incision or drain site
  • · An increase in pain or discomfort that pain medication does not relieve
  • · A temperature of more than 100.4° F

Follow-Up Care

Your doctor will schedule follow-up examinations to ensure a normal healing process and recommend additional treatments that may be necessary. Follow these recommendations carefully to ensure a successful recovery.

These are general ideas of what to expect after breast reduction surgery, and your case may differ. The medical staff will give you personalized information on the process and recovery after reviewing all relevant medical details.

Contact Soma Plastics today to learn more about how we can help you!