cheekbone implants beverly hills

For the past forty years, cheek implants and facial implants have changed and progressed as both a science and an art. This four-decade journey has been a fascinating and exciting one, bringing cosmetic physicians, like the team here at Soma Plastics, to a place where anyone dissatisfied with the appearance of their cheeks can receive cheek treatments that lift and add volume.

If you are looking for cheek augmentation in Beverly Hills, then you’ve come to the right place. Continue reading to learn more about the cheek implant procedures we offer at Soma Plastics or contact us today to schedule a consultation.

What is Our Beverly Hills Cheek Implant Surgery Like?

The cheek implant procedure is a form of surgery that involves placing implants (also known as cheek filler or cheek augmentation) into the cheeks, resulting in a balanced appearance and enhanced facial features. The procedure lifts and adds volume to the cheeks.

Who is Cheek Augmentation Ideal For?

This plastic surgery procedure most commonly considered by those who have:

  • Experienced facial trauma
  • Were born with certain facial defects
  • Have experienced what is known as bone resorption (this is a process which breaks down bone tissue and leads to a gaunt appearance)

That said, there are many reasons to seek cheek implant surgery. For those concerned with a loss of volume or sagging in their cheeks, or for people who haven’t developed a satisfying volume in their cheeks, this procedure is a suitable option.

Facial implants can also help to better balance the symmetry of your face if you feel that your chin, nose, and cheeks are out of proportion. This is especially practical if you have shallow cheekbones, either as a result of heredity or aging.

A typical candidate for cheek implant surgery will likely have a flat, hollow appearance around their cheeks and eyes. The goal of cheek augmentation surgery is to add volume and lift to the cheeks.

What Are the Advantages of Cheek Implant Surgery?

Cheek implants increase the projection of the cheekbones, adding volume to recessed or flat areas of the face. By the standards of modern beauty, high cheekbones are highly sought-after and, with cheek implant surgery, easily achieved.

Age is also something that can be combated by this procedure, with full cheeks becoming diminished with time. Cheek implants can restore volume to cheeks which have become shallow over time.

How Is the Cheek Implant Procedure Performed?

At a hospital or a licensed ambulatory surgery center, general anesthesia, intravenous sedation, or local anesthesia will be administered. Your doctor will consider and advise the best course for you. For optimal comfort, general anesthesia will be used, meaning you will be asleep for the entirety of the cheek augmentation procedure.

The procedure begins with a small incision made under the chin or behind the ears. The surgeon will then move and tighten loose folds of skin around the jaw and neck. The newly tightened skin is then secured with stitches or tissue glue.

Two techniques can be used here:

  • Platysmaplasty. This corrects the neck muscles.
  • Cervicoplasty. This firms and tightens loose skin.

In combination with this procedure, liposuction can be used to help remove any excess fat. Endoscopic or keyhole techniques may be used to reduce any scarring.

Under a general anesthetic, a neck lift will usually take around two hours. Combining this with a facelift will extend the time and, possibly, require an overnight stay in the hospital. Ordinarily, however, this is an outpatient surgery, meaning you will be in and out the same day.

Once released, you will be required to have someone drive you to and from the surgery, and to stay with you for your first night following the surgery.

What Is Involved in the Recovery and Aftercare?

Immediately after the surgery is complete, the surgeon dresses the face. This face dressing must remain in place for two to three days. A feeling of tenderness during this time is normal and expected, and post-surgery discomfort can be controlled with prescribed medication.

After receiving cheek implants or fillers, it is common to feel a stretched or tight sensation in the cheek area. This sensation typically subsides within a week.

Swelling will initially obscure the final results of the cheek implant surgery and patients must wait for the swelling to subside before seeing the full results. This swelling will be moderate and located around the cheeks and under the eyes. This swelling will peak between 48 and 72 hours after the surgery, before then beginning to subside.

To help with the swelling, crushed ice may be applied to the cheeks. While most visible swelling should disappear within two weeks, a feeling of numbness may persist. This means that there is still some swelling present; this may take several weeks to subside completely.

During the first ten days of recovery, rigorous activity should be avoided, but normal activities can be resumed after those ten days. However, sleeping on your face should be avoided entirely for at least six to eight weeks following the cheek implant surgery.

In order to further control any pain or discomfort, oral pain medication can be used. As for your diet, it should consist only of liquids (fuices, milk, broths etc.) for the first 24 hours. After that, a soft diet can be introduced. Hard or sharp foods should be completely avoided for at least six to eight weeks.

If your cheek augmentation involves fat transfer, results will vary based on how much fat is injected and retained. The surgery technique and your own body’s rate of metabolism will also factor into this.

However, if solid cheek implants have been used, the final results are easier to predict. Swelling should be reduced within six weeks and the results will be visible.

For best results following your cheek implant surgery, be sure to always follow the instructions given by your primary care provider.

Is There a Non-surgical Option?

Yes, non-surgical cheek augmentation is also an option. This is a safe and effective way to have full and youthful cheeks without the pain, discomfort, and risks involved in surgical cheek enhancement.

If you choose this option, facial fillers can be used to enhance your cheeks in under an hour, with no recovery or downtime required. After treatment in our Beverly Hills medical spa, patients are able to resume normal activities, feeling renewed and rejuvenated.

Are There Complications Involved With Cheek Implant Surgery?

Yes, there are several potential risks and complications associated with cheek implant surgery. These include:

  • Bleeding
  • Bruising
  • Infestation
  • Scarring
  • Swelling

More specific complications include an asymmetrical appearance and capsular contracture. This is a rare complication characterized by the tightening of scar tissue around the implant. It does require additional surgeries to correct.

Implant rejection, caused when the body’s immune system reacts negatively to the implant, can also occur. This may also require subsequent surgeries to correct.

If you experience any of the above complications, any excessive pain, or general dissatisfaction with your results, It is important to notify your surgeon immediately.

For more information about cheek implant surgery in Beverly Hills, contact us today.

Face Procedures