Breast Augmentation Recovery

If you’re preparing to get a breast augmentation in the near future, and want to be equipped with all of the helpful advice needed to expedite your recovery, you’ve come to the right place.

Whether you’re getting a breast augmentation to enhance your appearance, achieve a more symmetrical shape, or as a reconstructive procedure following a mastectomy, being armed with the right tips and information can make a huge difference post-operation.

For more information on breast augmentation recovery as well as what to expect from the procedure, continue reading or contact Soma Plastics to speak with a professional at a breast augmentation clinic.

Breast Augmentation Recovery

What To Expect During Breast Augmentation Recovery & Procedure

In order to prepare you for the procedure, here is a general overview of the process of getting a breast augmentation.

  1. The procedure will take place at a hospital or surgical center.
  2. Many breast augmentations are done under general anesthesia, which means that you’ll likely be asleep during the procedure.
  3. An incision will be made either beneath the breast, under the armpit, or in the nipple area.
  4. After the incision is made, your doctor will separate the breast tissue from the connective tissue and muscle, in order to create a small pocket where the implant will be placed.
  5. Once the implant has been placed, the incision will be closed with stitches and then bandaged with surgical tape.
  6. You may feel a bit fatigued and slightly drowsy (due to the anesthesia), so make sure that you have someone to drive you home after the procedure.

Breast Augmentation Recovery Stages

Recovery for breast augmentation comes in three defined stages.

While each of these stages comes with challenges, the first stage of recovery is by far the most difficult.

Read on to find a brief description of the three stages of recovery following a breast augmentation along with some helpful recovery tips to expedite the process.

Your First Week Post Operation

The first week of your recovery will be the most uncomfortable and potentially painful. You will most likely have to take pain medications and spend these days resting at home and not moving around too much.

Weeks 2-8 Post Operation

Over the course of the next couple of weeks, you will be able to slowly begin engaging in everyday activities.

Don’t attempt any strenuous exercise or activities though as this could set back your recovery. Avoid jogging, jumping workouts, and heavy lifting during this time.

Reaching Full Recovery

In order to make sure that your body has fully recovered, you will need to be assessed by your doctor. Your doctor will tell you whether or not your body needs more time or if you’re good to resume all normal activities.

Full recovery time from breast augmentation is generally a two-month process from start to finish, though this may vary from patient to patient.

Breast Augmentation Recovery Tips

Here are some helpful tips to assist you in speeding up your breast augmentation recovery time — and to help you feel comfortable during the process.

Get Pain Medication

Because breast augmentation is considered to be a surgery, you will almost certainly experience pain and discomfort in the days following the procedure.

During the recovery phase, it’s important that you have pain medication to alleviate some of the discomforts that you might experience.

Make sure to discuss pain medications with your doctor and have your prescription filled prior to operation day so that you can go directly from the clinic home after the procedure.

Have Someone Stay With You During Recovery

During the first few days after your procedure, you will be especially sore and fatigued. It’s important that during this time you have in-home assistance so that you don’t need to lift anything heavy or do anything too active.

Enlist the help of a friend or family member who won’t mind spending a couple of days acting as your personal nurse. This is especially important if you have small children or pets that will need to be cared for.

Take It Easy

You will need to take some time off work to recover from your procedure. Take advantage of all of the downtime to indulge in some of your favorite non-active hobbies.

Catch up on your favorite TV show, do a puzzle, fold laundry, read a book or two, and get in the habit of taking frequent naps (this will help speed up your recovery!).

All of the downtime will ensure a full and speedy recovery so that you can get back to your work and normal hobbies.

Do a Grocery Run Pre-Operation

Make sure to do a grocery run before heading to the clinic and stock up on plenty of healthy foods that are easy to eat and nutrient-dense.

You might feel pretty nauseous following the procedure due to the anesthesia. During this time, soft, light foods are the best.

Some foods that you might find palatable following your procedure include:

  • Apple sauce
  • Almond or peanut butter
  • Greek yogurt
  • Bananas and other soft fruits
  • Oatmeal
  • Berries
  • Mashed or sweet potatoes
  • Avocados
  • Fish

In addition to stocking up on groceries, you may also want to prepare a few meals to tie you over after the procedure until you’re more mobile.

Breast Augmentation Recovery Complications

Every surgical procedure comes with possible complications. While using a reputable clinic mitigates your likelihood of experiencing any complications, it’s still good to be aware of the potential risks of any procedure.

Potential complications include:

  • Scarring
  • Breast asymmetry
  • Numbness in the breast or nipple area
  • Infection
  • Issues breastfeeding
  • Unsatisfactory results

Have Breast Augmentation Recovery Questions?

Got questions about the breast augmentation recovery process? Get in touch with Soma Plastics to get the answers you’ve been looking for.

Here at Soma Plastics, our skilled doctor, Dr. H. Joseph Naim, has been operating his own practice since 2004. He has performed over 3,000 surgeries and specializes in breast augmentation procedures.

Our caring and experienced team members will help you get the answers you need and can help you navigate the breast augmentation process.