Everything You Need To Know About Tummy Tuck

The most effective way to remove excess fat or skin from your abdomen is by following a healthy lifestyle. However, if you find that excess abdomen skin does not respond to rigorous exercise and a healthy diet, you may consider a tummy tuck.

What is a tummy tuck? It is a major surgery to reduce the size of the stomach. The procedure is also called an abdominoplasty.

After reading this article, you should know what is involved in a tummy tuck, what is done in an abdominoplasty, risks associated with this surgery, and how the procedure can benefit you.

What is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck is a procedure with cosmetic goals. It removes excess fat and loose, sagging skin from the abdomen. The procedure also servers to tighten the abdominal wall’s muscles. The objective of this procedure is to flatten the stomach and improve its appearance.

Abdominoplasty differ from liposuction procedures in that the latter only removes excess fat. Liposuction does not affect loose skin. It is possible to get a liposuction and abdominoplasty at the same time.

What is a Mini Tummy Tuck?

What people sometimes call a mini tummy tuck is a less extensive procedure than a full tummy tuck. Your plastic surgeon will typically recommend this procedure if the loose abdominal muscles and a little excess skin are below the belly button in the lower abdomen. Because the treatment area is smaller, a smaller incision is necessary, and the recovery period of the mini tummy tuck is shorter.

Whether you are a candidate for a mini tummy tuck depends on your cosmetic goals, the extent of excess fat and loose skin in your abdomen, and your unique requirements.

What is Abdominoplasty Surgery?

Tummy tuck surgery typically takes place under anesthesia in a hospital or outpatient surgical facility.

To start the procedure, the surgeon will make two incisions to separate the skin from the abdominal muscles. One incision stretches between the two hip hipbones, and the other incision is around the navel.

The next part of the procedure involves pulling the abdominal muscles together and stitching them into place to narrow the waist and make the abdomen firmer. The surgeon will then stretch the separated skin over the tightened muscles and reattach it in a natural position. This step includes the removal of excess skin.

Tummy Tuck

The final steps include closing the incisions and applying sterile dressing over the area. The entire process can take anything from two to five hours.

Reasons to Get a Tummy Tuck

There are several causes of excess fat, weak connective tissue, or reduced skin elasticity. People typically consider an abdominoplasty for the following reasons:

• Pregnancy
• Aging
• C-sections or other types of abdominal surgery
• Excess fat from weight gain or excess skin from weight loss

If you had a C-section, it might be possible for your surgeon to use the scar from the C-section to perform the tummy tuck surgery. However, in this case, it may be necessary to make additional incisions, and the surgeon may have to extend the length of the C-section scar.

Is a Tummy Tuck the Procedure for You?

Please note that a tummy tuck is used for body contouring and not a way to lose weight. As you are looking into what is a tummy tuck, remember that it is not a long-term weight loss solution. However, if you are overweight, a tummy tuck may change your appearance.

Doctors are generally apprehensive about performing tummy tucks on people who:

• Smoke
• Have type 2 diabetes, heart disease, or other chronic conditions
• Have a body mass index higher than 30
• Want to get pregnant in the future
• Had abdominal surgery that caused significant scar tissue

If one of the factors above applies to you, your doctor may recommend you not undergo an abdominoplasty.

Possible Complications

There is an inherent risk of infection or bleeding since a tummy tuck is a major surgery. You may also have an adverse reaction to anesthesia. Other possible side effects of a tummy tuck surgery include:

• Temporary skin sensation reduction or numbness
• Fluid accumulation underneath your abdominal skin
• Damage or death of fatty tissue within the skin
• Poor wound healing

Your doctor will help you manage your risk of these side effects. Smoking and other factors can increase your risk of side effects, such as fatty tissue damage.

Preparing for Your Tummy Tuck

Your surgeon will walk you through the preparation process and ensure that you understand the benefits and risks of the procedure after an extensive examination and medical history review.

Before you undergo the procedure, you have to do the following:

• Stop smoking to lower your risk of tissue damage, infection, and a slow healing process
• Avoid medications such as aspirin, herbal supplements, and anti-inflammatory drugs
• Take an anticoagulant to thin your blood
• Maintain the same weight for at least twelve months before you undergo the procedure

Recovering from Your Tummy Tuck

As you research what is a abdominoplasty and how it can benefit you, make sure you note the length of the recovery process.

There will almost always be pain and swelling in the surgical area. Your doctor will prescribe medication that you should take to manage your pain and lower your risk of infection.

During recovery, the formation of blood clots is possible. Your healthcare providers will help you walk to boost blood circulation, and your surgeon may also prescribe a blood-thinning medication to prevent a deep vein thrombosis.

Your care team will show you the proper way to care for your surgical scar to prevent infection. You will also have to wear a supportive abdominal garment for six weeks after the procedure.

Expected Results from a Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck procedure offers immediate and noticeable results, even with swelling. After recovery, you will have a flatter and more toned abdominal area. Many patients find that undergoing the procedure improves their confidence. Maintain a healthy lifestyle by getting enough exercise and following a balanced diet to ensure permanent results.

Contact Soma Plastics

Soma Plastics is a leading provider in quality and compassionate surgical care. With our abdominoplasty and other healthcare services, we aim to ensure a quick recovery while ensuring optimal comfort levels. Schedule a consultation with Soma Plastics today.