Because the neck is one of the first areas to show signs of aging, the neck lift has become a Beverly Hills cosmetic surgery staple.
Over time, the delicate skin around the neck loses elasticity and starts to sag, making the underlying cords more prominent. In patients who’ve lost a significant amount of weight, the problem is more pronounced.
Soma Plastics provides an elegant and straightforward solution. We restore your youthful look by tightening excess skin and refining the jaw through neck lift surgery.
What is a Neck Lift?
You’ll hear your doctor refer to this procedure as a platysmaplasty. Neck tightening surgery generally consists of two parts:
● Rejoining and tightening the platysma muscle
● Removing excess skin and fat
The procedure smooths the muscle and skin, resulting in a more defined jawline. Doctors often use liposuction in conjunction with it to create a slimmer profile.
The History of Neck Lifts
The neck lift is a relatively modern procedure. Until 1907, a non-surgical neck lift was the only available option. Patients had to rely on facial exercises and ointments to maintain a more youthful appearance.
While it’s possible to achieve some form of neck lift without surgery, the results are limited. Exercise and creams can only do so much to lift the skin.
Today, a neck lift in Beverly Hills produces noticeable results. It’s often chosen over a face lift because it doesn’t alter the facial features. With this treatment, you look better without seeming to have had any “work” done.
Keyhole surgery and micro-stitching minimize scarring, making the marks almost undetectable. The doctor also hides the incisions in the hairline so that they’re less noticeable.
Types of Neck Lifts
● Cervicoplasty: With this treatment, the surgeon removes excess skin. It’s especially useful for warding off the early signs of aging and when a patient has lost a great deal of weight.
● Platysmaplasty: With this treatment, the focus shifts to reversing more advanced signs of aging. The surgeon smooths, realigns, or tightens the neck muscles and removes excess skin.
Doctors divide neck lifts into two general categories:
● Traditional: In a traditional procedure, the surgeon works with the skin, muscle, and fat. In addition to making the neck muscle taut, the surgeon may reposition fat to smooth the neckline further before lifting the skin and trimming away the excess.
● Limited: A limited procedure is useful in cases requiring only minor adjustment. The surgery typically involves fewer incisions and is, therefore,less invasive. Recovery is faster, but the results are less pronounced.
The Procedure
A neck lift in Beverly Hills takes about two hours to complete. You will be placed under a general anesthetic and receive intravenous sedation. It’s essential to discuss your complete medical history with your surgeon so that they’re aware of any chronic conditions and the potential for complications.
With a traditional procedure, the surgeon makes a long incision from the ears around the back of the head. Scarring is minimized by using tiny sutures and is hidden in the hairline. They’ll also make a small cut under the chin so that they can remove fat tissue using liposuction and,if necessary, use some of that fat to re-sculpt the neckline. The surgeon will then adjust the muscle and tighten the skin.
With a limited procedure, the surgeon makes small incisions around the ear, allowing them to remove some fat and make the skin tighter.The surgeon won’t be able to adjust the muscle as effectively, however.
In either case, to complete the procedure, they’ll cut away the extra skin and suture the wounds. They may also use skin glue to reinforce the sutures.
The stitches remain in place for a few days. You’ll need to go in for a checkup in about a week. If your doctor uses permanent stitches, they’ll remove them at this stage. If they use dissolving sutures, the skin simply absorbs them.
Neck lift surgery recovery time depends on how much work the surgeon performs. With a limited procedure, you may recover in as little as two weeks. With a traditional neck lift procedure, it’s better to allow four weeks for your full neck lift recovery time.
In either case, the bruising and swelling should subside within two weeks. You may then resume light daily activity. You may begin to return to full regular activity, including exercising, after three or four weeks.
During recovery, it’s normal to experience bruising, swelling, tightness, and discomfort. You may easily manage your discomfort with medication.
At Soma Plastics, we advise our patients to get plenty of rest within the first two weeks of recovery. Light exercise, such as a short walk, is fine, but it’s best not to hit the gym for an intense workout.
Aside from that, your doctor will advise you on how to keep the wound clean. We suggest minimizing your intake of over-the-counter medication that may increase bleeding both before the procedure and during recovery.
Potential Complications
The best neck lift surgeon will always advise you to consider the potential complications before you proceed carefully. At Soma Plastics, we believe informed consent is essential. As a result, we’ll explain everything to you in full detail and ask you to sign a waiver to confirm that you understand the potential complications.
These may include:
● An adverse reaction to anesthesia
● Bleeding
● Scarring
● Temporary or permanent hair loss along the incision line
● Some facial asymmetry
● Hematoma
● Prolonged swelling
● Infection
● Skin damage and discoloration
● Loss of sensation in the incision area
● Ongoing pain
● Slow wound healing
● Further surgery
● Irritation caused by the sutures
● Clotting
Discuss Your Options with Our Trusted Team
Are you a good candidate for a neck lift in Beverly Hills, CA? Call 855-SOMA-955 to schedule your consultation with the surgeons at Soma Plastics.
We earn the trust of our patients by never compromising on quality or ethics. We’ll discuss your aesthetic goals and the potential for success with you honestly. If we do not feel that the procedure will work for you, we tell you upfront.
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